With Our Programmatic Audio Ads
Your Message.
At Dialstar Digital, we facilitate programmatic and automated audio ad placement within digital radio, podcasts, and streaming music platforms, enabling precise targeting and seamless integration across various publishers.
Trusted By 20+ Organizations

Our Audio Ad Formats

Audio Ads
Ads can be placed before, during, or after a video, known as pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll respectively, allowing advertisers to reach audiences at different points during a streaming session. These ads are commonly 15, 30, or 60 seconds long and are purely auditory in nature.
- Pre-roll ads: These ads are played before the start of a podcast, streaming music, or other audio content.
- Mid-roll ads: These ads are played during a break in the audio content, typically in the middle of a podcast or music streaming session.
- Post-roll ads: These ads are played after the completion of the audio content.